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Why Ipads are a Negative Influence.

The Ipad : one of the greatest devices of technology ever made in the world but giving it to the hands of school children, not such a good idea. I really think the Ipads are a great distraction. First, the Ipad these days have so many games and when you give it to children, what […]

Why Movie Theaters are Not Enjoyable!

Uggg… It’s so cold and dark in here, I want to go back home. “it’s to late” my father said, “we already bought the tickets”. I groaned and just dug my body into the cold and uncomfortable seats. I already knew this was going to be a long movie. I don’t think movie theaters are […]

Fishing in the Gulf Coast

They always tell you to be patient, but somehow it never works for me. But fishing requires a lot of patients and I just waited and waited for something to catch on my line but it looks like the fish have gotten more smarter than I expected. It’s been 20 minutes but it feels like […]

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